As Monterosa Ski we’re getting ready for a new winter season, aiming to offer our customers over 4 months of skiing. Among the details, that you can check hereafter, we’re happy to let you know that the morning pass will be available again!
OUR SEASONWe foresee to open the Monterosa Ski 3 Valleys area from Friday, December 2nd to Sunday, April 16th; if the snow conditions will be good enough, we will offer 2 earlier weekends of skiing in the area Frachey-Staffal-Alagna.
The season for our satellite ski resorts in Antagnod, Brusson, Champorcher, Gressoney-Saint-Jean and Alpe di Mera will be slightly different:
Antagnod – Brusson – Gressoney-Saint-Jean: from December 7th to 11th, December 17th and 18th, from December 24th to March 12th, 2023;
Champorcher: from December 7th to 11th, December 17th and 18th, from December 24th to March 19th, 2023;
Alpe di Mera: from December 6th to 11th, December 17th and 18th, from December 23rd to March 26th, 2023;
Our skipasses will be available for purchase on our website from mid-October.
Season pass
The rates of our season passes are not increased and the prices, referred to the adult category, for the main ski area are:
Monterosa Ski 3 Valleys Season Pass € 940,00
Monterosa Freeride Paradise Season Pass € 980,00
The season pass, adult category, for Antagnod, Brusson or Gressoney-Saint-Jean costs € 449,00.
In Champorcher the season pass, adult category, costs € 559,00; the Champorcher Expert season pass, that allows to access the skilift Madeleine, cost € 579,00, adult category.
The season pass valid at Alpe di Mera, adult category, costs € 600,00.
The category discounts are applied on the above rates: Senior (born before 31/05/1958), Teen (born after 31/10/2004), Junior (born after 31/10/2008) and Baby (born after 31/10/2014).
The season passes of our satellite ski resorts allow to ski on the Monterosa Ski 3 Valleys from the beginning of the season until December 24th included and from the day after the end of the season of the chosen resort.
For more details:
Daily and several-day skipasses
The prices of daily and several-day skipasses for the Monterosa Ski 3 Valleys are dynamic. The calculation basis is always the daily skipass, for which have been identified 3 seasonality with a price that swings from € 38,00 to € 60,00.
These skipass will be available for purchase on our website from mid-October and the sooner one’s buy, the more one’s save.
In our satellite ski resorts the daily and several-day passes have a fix rate, instead. All prices are already available at