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Valle di Gressoney


Alpages Ouverts - A full day on a mountain dairy farm

By: LoveVDA

Alpages Ouverts - A full day on a mountain dairy farm

A full day on a mountain dairy farm together with those who work there all summer, following the pace set by the animals and the mountain environment. Guided visits, lunch with typical produce, polenta, Fontina and fresh cheeses.

The formula of the event is quite simple: visitors are invited to experience a typical day’s activities on the farm, to see the tools that are used and to find out about all the various aspects related to the farm and the pastures, through a series of guided routes ilustrating what happens in the various areas, especially in the daity itself, where the delicious Fontina cheese is made-


Alpages Ouverts - A full day on a mountain dairy farm

Alpages Ouverts - A full day on a mountain dairy farm

Alpages Ouverts - A full day on a mountain dairy farm

Alpages Ouverts - A full day on a mountain dairy farm






Phone: +39.0165.34510

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