Mascognaz is a Walser village, a true jewel of architecture offering a unique panorama of the upper Val d'Ayas. In Mascognaz, time seems to stand still, among the huts and old rascards, a chapel and a drinking trough tell of the life and traditions of those who have lived here for centuries. From Champoluc, the path climbs along a stepped mule track, through a dense fir forest, which only allows a glimpse of the panorama in a game of hide-and-seek with nature that will make the discovery of the panorama above all the more surprising.
Val d'Ayas
Snowshoeing at Walser pace
The ancient Walser village of Mascognaz
By: Comune di Ayas
Route category: Snowshoeing and ski touring
Duration: 1 hour 40 minutes
Length: 3000 m
Difficulty: Low