From the car park, go up the wide meadows where there is a cross-country track, in a north-westerly direction, leaving Monte Bieteron on your left, and aiming for a group of huts on the edge of the wood. Follow the track of a mule track which shortly after crosses the stream, and starts to climb again with steep slopes but without a fixed route in the beautiful wood, which gradually thins out. When the valley narrows, you can choose whether to go to the right or left of a hillock, which once passed gives access to the beautiful basin of the Estoul lakes. Clearly visible from here in the background in the center is the Punta Valnera, and a little further to the left the evident slope that leads up to the pass.
Cross the basin and start climbing again with gentle slopes, until you reach the base of the steepest section, which can be climbed without major problems with snowshoes on your feet with load-bearing and frozen snow.
Once you reach the pass at about 2680 m, turn right and walk along the wide ridge, if snow covered, with snowshoes on, up to the final rocks where you should continue on foot, touching the little stone cairn on the summit.
Val d'Ayas
Skialp in Brusson: Estoul - Punta Valnera
By: Visit Monterosa
Route category: On skis
Difficulty: Medium